Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Episode 12!

A bit early but here is Episode 12. First, Boss Butcher joins us to review the Bigfoot film Night Of The Demon. Suffice it to say, not everyone is in agreement on the quality of this one! Then, Hellbilly and Evil Druid discuss The Possession Of David O’reilly. Is this one worth your time or should the power of Christ compell it out?


All good things must come to an end and episode 12 sees a departure from the outlaws as Killbot has decided to hang up his cowboy hat and step away from the show to spend more time with the lovely Mrs. Killbot. He was instrumental in this show even existing. He’s been a great podcast partner but an even better friend to Hellbilly and myself. You will always be an outlaw killbot. Thank you for everything and best of luck in whatever you choose to do next.


Next Week: The Loved Ones and Rubber!


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Friday, January 24, 2014

Episode 11!

Do you like Descention? This episode is full of it as we discuss Cannibal Holocaust! Differing oppinions are the lifeblood of Podcasts. Will the Outlaws break up during the course of this show? Stay tuned to find out… Hint: we’ve already recorded episode 12!


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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Episode 10!

Here it is folks… We’ve reached episode 10! Thank you to everyone who has accompanied us on this journey. It’s been an amazing ride and the best is yet to come.


For this very special episode, we’ve decided to bring you another commentary. We are not alone however, as Bloody Lizzy returns to the show and we are joined by the leader of The Terror Troop Boss Butcher. The movie we are covering is Sorority House Massacre 2. It is available on Netflix Instant. For some reason, the audio of the film can be heard. We appologize for this and it won’t happen again.


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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Episode 9!

We hope everyone had a great Holiday. Episode 9 is ready to invade your ear holes. This week, we welcome Bloody Lizzy of the Terror Troop podcast to the show! We are discussing Dead Silence from 2007. Is this another hit for James Wan? Or should you avoid at all costs!


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